
Dabanović Andrija
Andrija Dabanovićis first montenegrin stand up comedian. Due to lack of any competition he is also the best comedian in his country, and worst as well… In these short three years he became respected and loved by his colleagues and audiences all over region (…
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Andrija Dabanovićis first montenegrin stand up comedian. Due to lack of any competition he is also the best comedian in his country, and worst as well… In these short three years he became respected and loved by his colleagues and audiences all over region ( Serbia, Bosnia&Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro ). Mostly famous by his recent sitcom “Out of signal”, first of of a kind in Montenegro. Andrija loves what he does, he is kind, honest and his comedy is as enlightening as is his dark life experience. He is fresh, punches are sharp, delivery is charming and other strong comedy synonyms… You’ll know when he is on stage!

Central European Stand-up Gala (angol nyelvű előadás)
DNS-Dumaszínház Kulturális Egyesület- Inne
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