
A Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és Leticia Moreno (hegedű)

A Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és Leticia Moreno (hegedű)

The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra has announced its March concert in the Great Hall of the Liszt Academy outside its seasonal programme. Not without reason, as their selection of audience favourites and the solo performance by the outstanding Spanish violinist Leticia Moreno are sure to attract a great deal of interest.

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Last event date: Thursday, March 14 2024 7:30PM

The first concert of the seventh decade

This concert marks the seventh decade of the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra’s successful artistic career, 61 years since March 1963, pleasing music-loving audiences with the ensemble’s polished playing together. The concert programme is yet another exciting selection: one of the most popular Baroque masterpieces, perhaps the best-known Romantic violin concerto, performed by a large orchestra, and an exciting chamber music piece from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The guest artist, violinist Leticia Moreno, is expected to weave the melodies of the emotional Mendelssohn Violin Concerto with Spanish passion.

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra, Leticia Moreno (violin)

Artistic director and conductor: István Várdai

Concert master: Péter Tfirst

Soloist: Leticia Moreno (violin)



Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, BWV 1048

Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in e minor, op. 64


Enescu: String Octet in C major Op. 7 (arr. for string orchestra)


A Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és a Bábozd Zöldre Egyesület zenés-bábos előadása a természet, a környezet és a zene harmóniájáról.

A well-working practice needs no change: after the successes of the previous years, the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra starts its…

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