
LFKZ Zeneakadémia-bérlet 2023/24 5/4 - Javier Perianes (zongora)

LFKZ Zeneakadémia-bérlet 2023/24 5/4 - Javier Perianes (zongora)

The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra’s concert series at the Academy of Music is centred on a Beethoven block of five works, starting with Symphony No. 2 at the December concert, continuing with Piano Concerto No. 4 and Symphony No. 7 in February, and now the first and third of the composer’s five piano concertos.

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Last event date: Wednesday, April 17 2024 7:30PM

Season Ticket, Liszt Academy 5/4

Artistic director: István Várdai

Concert master: Péter Tfirst

Soloist: Javier Perianes (piano)


Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 1 in C major, Op. 15


Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37

The Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra’s concert series at the Academy of Music is centred on a Beethoven block of five works, starting with Symphony No. 2 at the December concert, continuing with Piano Concerto No. 4 and Symphony No. 7 in February, and now the first and third of the composer’s five piano concertos. Our Spanish guest solo artist is one of the busiest artists on the international music scene, boasting the most prestigious music awards in his country. In recent years, he has performed in almost every European capital, with a successful concert in Budapest in 2022 as well.

Organized by the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra and the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music. 


A well-working practice needs no change: after the successes of the previous years, the Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra starts its…

A Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és a Bábozd Zöldre Egyesület zenés-bábos előadása a természet, a környezet és a zene harmóniájáról.

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