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Why Viennese? – The explanation seems rather simple, as the three greatest masters of this style are all closely linked to the imperial capital of the Habsburg Empire. And why Classicism? This question is answered by the programme and the brief speeches between the pieces in the hour-long concert without intermission. At any rate, the emotions and moods articulated through this music could just as well be ours as of those living in the 18th century. Even without more profound background information, the audience will have no problem delving into their feelings through the high-quality performance of Hungary’s best-known chamber ensemble.

Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra

Artistic director: István Várdai

Concertmaster: Péter Tfirst


Mozart: Divertimento in D major, K. 136

Mozart: Little Night Music, K. 525, 1st movement

Haydn: Symphony No.3 in G major, Hob.I:3

Beethoven: String Quartet No. 4 in c minor, Op. 18, No. 4 - performed by chamber orchestra

Seat selection in the concert hall is on a first-come, first-served basis.


A Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és a Bábozd Zöldre Egyesület új tematikájú zenés-bábos előadása a természet, a környezet és a zene…

Bach and Mendelssohn – a fascinating pair in music history. Despite being born 59 years after the death of the…

A Liszt Ferenc Kamarazenekar és a Bábozd Zöldre Egyesület új tematikájú zenés-bábos előadása a természet, a környezet és a zene…

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